How to tie a tie


Different ways to tie a tie can make the person looks new every day.
Here are four different method to tie a tie.
Get to know these easy steps by this page to learn how to tie a tie.


Windsor Knot 

The Windsor knot is also known by the names double Windsor and Full Windsor to distinguish it from the half Windsor knot. It produces a symmetrical, wide and triangular necktie knot. The large self-releasing knot amply displays the tie design and fabric when worn with a closed coat or jacket. It can also keep your throat warm in winters. It holds tight and doesn’t slip away when tied perfectly. You can do it easily and quickly after some practice.

Half Windsor Knot

This nearly symmetrical knot is around three quarters the size of a Windsor knot. Its names half and single Windsor distinguish it from the larger knot that is also known by the names full and double Windsor. When tied perfectly, the medium-sized, versatile knot produces a substantial and deep dimple. It sports a triangular look.

Eldredge Kot

This exotic necktie knot comprises of four diagonal bands and one horizontal band overlapping each other. It is made with the smaller end as the active end, much like the Trinity knot. The complex, attractive knot was invented in 2007 by Jeffrey Eldredge, a system administrator who got bored of wearing the four-in-hand knot to office every day and wanted to try something different. It achieved huge internet fame in 2008 and is larger than the Windsor knot.

Prince Albert Kont

This slightly asymmetrical, elegant tie knot is a little bulkier than the four in hand knot but is similar to the Victoria and double Windsor knots. Its double wraps add a subtle detail that is the signature of a well-dressed man. The name may mislead you with regards to the history of the knot as there is no evidence that it was worn by Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria. Nonetheless, look stylish by sporting this knot that is sometimes referred to as the double four in hand knot.




The bow tie is a type of necktie knot that is made out of a ribbon of fabric that is tied around the shirt collar in a symmetrical pattern so that the two opposite ends form loops. You can wear it to business meetings, formal functions, dinners, cocktail parties.

The beginner-friendly step by step diagram gives you a mirrored view of the tying procedure.
You need to practice the steps a good many times to tie it easily.